Prophecies Fulfilled: Jesus’s Death – Part One

Welcome back beautiful family! Today we’re moving into the topic of Jesus’s death and how it was all foretold throughout the Old Testament. If you are new here, welcome! I would suggest going back to read prior posts about how prophecies were fulfilled from Jesus’s birth and life that we have covered previously.

So let’s dive into this. I will readily admit this is a difficult topic. It is hard to accept everything that Jesus endured for us. At the heart of it, it really is incomprehensible. Our Lord was willing to do this. And He would have done it even just for one single person. He did this for all of mankind. His death was the only thing that could possibly return man to relationship with God because it required a pure sacrifice. Jesus was that sacrifice. He took on all of our sin. He became sin, which He had never committed Himself, so that He could be our redemption and our righteousness.

As we have over the past few posts, let’s delve into our Bibles.

  1. Jesus Would Be Betrayed By a Friend
    • Prophecy: Even my friend in whom I trusted, one who ate my bread, has raised his heel against me – Psalms 41:9
    • Fulfilled: I am not speaking to all of you; I know those who I have chosen. But the Scripture must be fulfilled: The one who eats My bread has raised his heel against Me. “I am telling you now before it happens, so when it does you will believe that I am He. I assure you: Whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me.” When Jesus had said this, He was troubled in His spirit and testified, “I assure you: One of you will betray Me!” The disciples started looking at one another – uncertain which one He was speaking about. One of His disciples, the one Jesus loved, was reclining close to Jesus. Simon Peter motioned him to find out who it was He was talking about. So he leaned back against Jesus and asked Him, “Lord, who is it?” Jesus replied, “He’s the one I give the piece of bread to after I have dipped it.” When He had dipped the bread, He gave it to Judas, Simon Iscariot’s son. After Judas ate the bread, Satan entered him,. Therefore Jesus told him, ” What you are doing, do quickly.” – John 13:18-27
  2. Jesus Betrayed for 30 Pieces of Silver
    • Prophecy: Then I said to them, “If it seems right to you, give me my wages; but if not keep them.” So they weighed my wages, 30 pieces of silver. – Zechariah 11:12
    • Fulfilled: Then one of the Twelve – the man called Judas Iscariot – went to the chief priests and said “What are you willing to give me if I hand Him over to you?” So they weighed out 30 pieces of silver for him. Matthew 26:14-15
  3. 30 Pieces of Silver Thrown in Temple
    • Prophecy: “Throw it to the Potter” the LORD said to me – this magnificent price I was valued by them. So I took the 30 pieces of silver and threw it into the house of the LORD, to the potter. – Zechariah 11:13
    • Fulfilled: Then Judas, His betrayer, seeing that He had been condemned, was full of remorse and returned the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders. “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood”, he said. “What’s that to us?” the said, “See to it yourself!” So he threw the silver into the sanctuary and departed. He went and hanged himself. – Matthew 27:3-5
  4. 30 Pieces of Silver Buys Potter’s Field
    • Prophecy: “Throw it to the Potter” the LORD said to me – this magnificent price I was valued by them. So I took the 30 pieces of silver and threw it into the house of the LORD, to the potter. – Zechariah 11:13
    • Fulfilled: The chief priests took the silver and said, “It’s not lawful to put it into the temple treasury, since it is blood money.” So they conferred together and bought the potter’s field with it as a burial place of foreigners. Therefore that field has been called “Blood Field” to this day. Then what was spoken through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: They took the 30 pieces of silver, the price of Him whose price was set by the Israelites, and they gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord directed me. – Matthew 27:6-10
  5. Jesus Forsaken By His Disciples
    • Prophecy: Sword, awake against My shepherd , against the man who is My associate – this is the declaration of the Lord of Hosts. Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered, I will also turn My hand against the little ones. – Zechariah 13:7
    • Fulfilled:
      • Then Jesus said to them, “All of you will run away, because it is written: I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered. – Mark 14:27
      • Then they deserted Him and ran away. – Mark 14:50
  6. Jesus Accused By False Witnesses
    • Prophecy:
      • Malicious witnesses will come forward; they question things I do not know. – Psalms 35:11
      • For they do not speak in friendly ways, but contrive deceitful schemes against those who live peacefully in the land. They open their mouths wide against me and say ” Aha, aha! We saw it!” – Psalms 35:20-21
    • Fulfilled: The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false testimony against Jesus so they could put Him to death. But they could not find any, even though many false witnesses came forward. Finally, two who had come forward stated: “This man said, “I can demolish God’s sanctuary and rebuild it in 3 days.” The high priests then stood up and said to Him, “Don’t You have an answer to what these men are testifying against You?” But Jesus kept silent. Then the high priest said to Him, “By the living God I put You under oath: Tell us if You are the Messiah, the Son of God!” “You have said it,” Jesus told them. “But I tell you, in the future you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power and coming in the clouds of heaven.” Then the high priest tore his robes and said “He has blasphemed! Why do we still need witnesses? Look, now you’ve heard the blasphemed! What is your decision?” They answered, “He deserves death! ” They spit in His face and beat Him; others slapped Him and said ” Prophesy to us, Messiah! Who hit You?” – Matthew 26:59-68

I hope today’s post has been helpful to you in seeing how amazing and supernatural the Bible is. Remember, all of these prophecies were written between 400 and 1500 years prior to Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection.

Please join us again for a continuation of these prophecies fulfilled by Jesus’s death.

Until next time, beloved.

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