How Do I Know I Am Saved?

Do you know without question that you are saved? Are you certain that once you pass into the afterlife that you are going to be in heaven with Jesus? Or do you still not know for sure or hoping that you were “good enough” in life to make the cut?

You’re not alone at all if you aren’t completely sure. I hope by the end of this post that you can take steps to allow you to shift from not sure to absolutely positive.

So what is “saved” and why is it important?

It is actually very simple. We are people who make bad choices and poor decisions. We choose to follow our own desires and will. We make mistakes. All of us do.

Every time we think, do, or say things that fall short of God’s perfection it is what is called a sin. In fact, the word sin itself is an archery term which means to hit anywhere other than the bullseye. Adam had the first sin when he knowingly chose to go against God and follow Eve once she had be deceived by the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. And ever since that first sin entered into the perfect world, we have lived within the confines of a sin-filled world. Look around the world today -there is no perfection anymore. Look at all the violence, the murders, the rapes, the child abuse, and on and on. The world is full of people falling short of the glory of God. Every single one of us are sinners.

For all have fallen short of the glory of God – Romans 3:23

God can’t be around sin. At all. The only way to pay for our sin is death. God knew we couldn’t live without sinning, but He still wanted to create us so badly that even from before the Earth was created, He provided us a way out that we could never pay for on our own or through our own works or deeds. God loves us so much and He wants a relationship with us. He gave us the ability to make our own decisions so that ultimately we were not forced into a relationship with Him but instead would choose to be. The only way to be able to provide us forgiveness for our sins, there had to be a perfect sacrifice to atone for our wrongs. This atonement could bring us back into relationship with God.

So God did the absolute most irrational thing I could possibly imagine. He sent His son to live a perfect, sinless life, to become our sin, to take on all of mankind’s sin on Himself and to die as punishment for our sins. Jesus literally became our sin. The perfect, blameless Lamb of God, took on our sin debt. He readily died for us. Jesus chose to go through a torturous death that we cannot even begin to comprehend (remember Jesus is fully man and fully God) as He is timeless. We have no way of understanding precisely how horrific that time on Good Friday when He was tortured within inches of His life and after the cross actually:

His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and His form marred beyond human likeness – Isaiah 52:14

But God. It certainly seemed to the Disciples and all Jesus’s followers that everything was over with Jesus’s death, but it was just the beginning. True to the prophecy of scriptures, like every other aspect of Jesus’s life, Jesus rose from the dead when he resurrected 3 days later. He had conquered hell, death, and the grave! He had purchased back our souls that were destined for hell because of our sin so that we could have a relationship again with God. So that we could be deemed His.

We have to understand and accept that we have a huge sin debt and we cannot pay for it on our own. That is the first step to our salvation – acknowledging that we are sinners and we need a savior.

Believe Jesus is Our Savior

Truly believe that Jesus lived a perfect life, took on our sin, died for us and rose from the dead for our sins to be forgiven this is our Gospel in 1 Corinthians 5:1-4.

If you believe that Jesus died for you, you are saved. It is that simple. If you truly believe that Jesus died for you and rose again, you are filled with the Holy Spirit and sealed until the Day of Redemption. It is seriously that simple. It is really child like it is so simple.

There is a crux though here. If you do not accept the gift of salvation that we do when we believe Jesus is who He says He is, then we are not saved. Our only responsibility is to accept the gift of salvation through our belief in Jesus.

Are you ready to be able to say that you know you are saved?

If so, say a prayer like this:

Lord, I am a sinner. I know I have done wrong throughout my life. I know I cannot fix what I have done. I believe in You, Jesus. I believe that you lived a sinless, perfect life, and died on that cross for me. I am sorry that I have sinned against you. I profess you are my Lord and Savior.

If you earnestly prayed that prayer, you are saved. You can confidently answer yes when someone asks if you are saved. You are…. welcome to the Church family, the Body of Christ. We love you!

You can now know, without doubt or question where you are headed when you pass away. And there is nothing that can pluck you from God’s hand.

Until next time, beloved.

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