Answering God’s Call

Years. Multiple years have passed since my life suddenly and unpredictively changed when God called me His. Since that happened, I have developed an insatiable desire to know more. More about Him. I love the rabbit holes scripture gives us. I love that the Word of God is infallible, God-breathed, and is alive and active. During this time, I have wondered over and over again and even approached the LORD during my prayer time to figure out what my purpose is. Today, I finally got the answer and that is why I am here.

So here I am…I am answering His call and jumping at the chance to say “Yes!” to my Lord and Savior. To fulfill my purpose. To utilize all that I have learned over the years about Scripture and the Lord. And to learn more.

I’m excited to jump in. I hope I can help others get on their journey to dig into God’s word and get to know Him.

I’m just an ordinary 40’s something mom with teens. I work full time, but my true passion and love is now Jesus. I could not have imagined in a million years that I would be saying this back even 10 years ago. He can certainly do the same for you.

I hope you’ll come along with me on this journey. Let’s dig in to the Word and see where He takes us.

Opening His word. Grab a Bible. Even if it is brand new, or if it is heavy laden with notes, highlights, the pages frayed by years of use. It really does not matter what version you use. That is up to you. We’re not going to get all pragmatic about it. That’s not who I am.

Please don’t feel uncomfortable if this is the first time you’ve ever approached the Bible. Especially if you have to purchase one to work through it with me. That is all perfectly fine! We all start somewhere. In fact, my husband gave me a Women of Faith Bible as a Christmas present in 2005. It sat in my the drawer of my nightstand inside the box for years. I believed that I didn’t want to “mess it up” but frankly, I didn’t really have a purpose for it. My life was pretty awesome and amazing, and I had babies who demanded my time and energy. Nothing was really left for God. I figured I put in my obligatory couple hours on Sundays at church and that was enough…all that was the case, until it wasn’t.

I have a long and very much a non-linear path to God. I would ebb and flow closer and then farther away from Him. I have gone through fires of life where I clung to Him and other seasons where I have been completely content to say a prayer only when I needed something. About 8 years ago, everything changed. After a long period of time where I had purposely pushed God away in anger with Him, I was deeply impacted by The War Room movie (I highly recommend this movie if you haven’t seen it already). I decided to focus on my prayer life with God. I didn’t even know what to do, but I knew the simple, redundant prayers I used to say as I drifted off to sleep was just not enough. No longer was “Thank you for this day” and then quickly following my racing mind to a million different thoughts would immediately break the prayer.

The movie gave me an idea -strategic prayer. Prayer like I am talking to a friend, after all, isn’t that precisely what prayer really is – direct communication with God. How cool is that when you really think about it?

I moved away from praying at night as the last thing to check off the to-do list before passing out at night. I intentionally picked up a notebook. I had learned years before to take notes at church during the sermons to prevent my mind from wondering. It occurred to me I could do precisely the same thing by writing my prayers. Good bye to the distractions. And now I can tell you that this change literally everything in my life.

I added a “Answered Prayers” to the last page of the journal. By the time I finished that journal, I had to expand that list onto the pages affixed to the journal itself. I was amazed.

God wants a relationship with us. He wants us to come to Him just like we go to our best friend or our mom or dad. After all, this relationship is the reason we were created.

The prayer journaling soon led to me wanting to know more about God. I worked through a handful of Bible studies and joined a couple different women’s groups looking for more and more. It was not too long after that my appetite grew to more than that. I remember praying very specifically for God to show me someone else that I could really sink my teeth into and oh He answered immediately. I “happened” upon a tv show called Through the Bible with Les Feldick the very day I prayed that request. And I dug in with that answered prayer and oh how much I have been blessed by learning so very much.

I look back on my life now and cannot imagine what my life would be like had I not finally allowed God to take control in my life. I am so very thankful for every single moment He has given me.

So let’s go. Let’s find out where He is going to take us. If you have questions, ask them. I am happy to track down those for you. Welcome to the family!

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